
This is the Disclaimer page for Faceserum.in.

Content Disclaimer:

Information on faceserum.in is provided for informational purposes only and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your own dermatologist or other medical professionals.    

The information and opinions provided here are believed to be accurate and sound, based on the best judgment available on prominent sources like Healthline.com, WebMd.com, but readers who fail to consult appropriate health authorities assume the risk of any injuries. 

*Faceserum.in is not responsible for errors or omissions.*  

Affiliate Disclaimer:

Faceserum.in contains affiliate links at suitable places so that you can find any product online. 

When you make a purchase using our link on Faceserum.in; we’ll earn coffee money without charging you any extra money, so that we can create more valuable content for you. 

No Responsibility Disclaimer:

At faceserum.in; we only suggest face serum according to your skin types. Faceserum.in is not responsible for any kind of false promises made by face serum brands. 

Faceserum.in also contains third-party links that will lead you to other websites. When you leave faceserum.in, we are not responsible for any kind of damage arising by using those websites. 

Our blogs at Faceserum.in are only for information purpose only. We try to keep our information up to date but we are not responsible for any kind of damage caused by our blog information. 

Copyright Disclaimer:

All content and images used on faceserum.in are owned by faceserum.in. We prohibit to use of our content and images for commercial purposes.